What is Cellulite and What to do About it…

Woman holding orange

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is a condition that results in dimpled, uneven skin. Cellulite results when fat deposits and body fluids accumulate under the skin and give your skin a dimpled and uneven appearance.

Most common areas for Cellulite are:

  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Thigs
  • Arms
  • Stomach
  • Breasts

What Causes Cellulite?

We know how it’s formed but the exact cause of cellulite is not known.

We do know that many factors such as genetics, diet, lack of physical exercise, hormonal changes, dehydration, thickness of the skin, weight gain, inflammation, and unhealthy lifestyle contribute to cellulite.

For how it’s formed, let’s look at a diagram… As you can see in the image below we have fibrous cords (connective tissue) that tether the skin to the underlying layer and holds fat and fluids. As bodily fluids and fat cells accumulate (or change shape) they push up against the skin, while the cords pull down creating an uneven surface and dimpling.

  • Decreased elasticity causes the connective fibers to be stiff and fixed
  • Water retention and inflammation can increase the pressure and push the fat cells up
  • Decreased circulation can lead to engorged fat cells
  • Fat deposits and fluids push up to the surface of the skin causing the bulges, while the connective fibers are fixed and inflexible causing the dimples

Skin diagram with and without cellulite

It is important to realize that Cellulite is not excess fat. People can diet and exercise and still have cellulite.

Different grades of Cellulite:
Orange peel, cottage cheese, mattress texture, these are all words we use to describe what we see, but there are actually different grades of cellulite.
Grade 1 – Mild. The skin looks smooth while youre standing but bumps and dimples appear while you are sitting.
Grade 2 – Moderate. Bumps and dimples appear while you are sitting or standing.
Grade 2 – Severe. Bumps and dimples appear while you are sitting or standing and some areas are deeply raised or depressed.

Interesting Facts About Cellulite:

  • Women get more cellulite than men. 90% of women at some point will develop cellulite. 10% of man have cellulite. Researchers think that men have a different structure underneath their skin which allows less cellulite to occur. In women the connective tissue forms in vertical columns, while in men it forms in a criss-cross pattern.
  • Cellulite can occur for people of any shape. Very thin people can have cellulite too. Being overweight makes cellulite more noticeable because the more fat you have underneath the skin the more likely it can bulge out of the skin in its weaker spots.
  • Cellulite can occur in people of all ages. Yes, even babies can have cellulite.
  • Cellulite can get worse with age. As we age we produce less estrogen and that causes a cascading effect. Less estrogen can mean poorer circulation, and can also mean a decrease in production and the breakdown of older connective tissue and a decrease in collagen production.
  • Cellulite may be in your genes. It might be programmed in your genes and inevitable. Usually, a family history gives a good idea if you will develop cellulite.
  • It shows up more on lighter skin, so sometimes a good self-tanner can help the appearance of cellulite.
  • Exercise may improve the appearance of cellulite. It can’t cure it but may reduce it or minimize it. Firming and toning the muscles in the area of the cellulite will tighten the skin, and give the illusion that the cellulite is less noticeable.
  • Certain foods can help improve cellulite. They can’t cure it but can improve it. Drink plenty of water and eat a diet rich in foods with high water content such as cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, bell peppers, and many other fruits and vegetables. Eating too much salt, fat and carbohydrates, and not enough fiber can contribute to cellulite.
  • Smoking can affect the appearance of cellulite. It slows the production of collagen, reduces blood vessel flow, causes inflammation and accelerates skin aging.

Yes, Cellulite is still a great mystery, it cannot be cured but can be improved and minimized. At Rejuvent, we offer skincare with very promising results. These products can improve the health of your skin and help with the appearance of cellulite.

Before and after cellulite skin care treatment

What Can You Do to Help Improve Your Cellulite?

If you have cellulite we recommend trying different skincare to see if they can improve the appearance of your cellulite. Most creams need to be applied twice a day for several weeks to show improvement and your level of commitment might reflect on your skin improvement.

We have several amazing skin care options to treat Cellulite:

Get your medical grade cellulite skincare now and help improve the appearance of your skin!