Specialized Rejuvenating Procedures

ThermiVa Feminine Rejuvenation

Take Your Vagina to the Gym!

ThermiVa is no longer offered at Rejuvent.

ThermiVa uses radio-frequency energy to rejuvenate the inside and outside of the vagina. The radio-frequency waves cause tightening by increasing blood flow, stimulating new collagen formation, and allowing for more simultaneous muscle contractions of the vaginal wall and pelvic muscles. This, in turn, results in improved control of urine and stress incontinence, improved sexual satisfaction, and improved vaginal moisture without the need for surgery.

ThermiVa Highlights:

  • Safe and Targeted
  • Three Applications
  • Minimally Invasive/Non-surgical
  • No Downtime
ThermiVa Details
Dr Bomer & Dr. Bouzoukis

Dr. Kelly Bomer & Dr. James Bouzoukis

Facial Plastic Surgeons

Dedicated to Enhancing Beauty at All Ages

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Better thank what I expected

“I had three ThermiVa treatments and loved the results! It was better than I expected and Linda made me feel comfortable. I already recommended this treatment to all my girlfriends.”
– C.P.

Yes, We Have the BEST Options & Experts to Help You Look and Feel More Attractive at Any Age!

  • Are you interested in facial rejuvenation and sculpting?
  • Would you like more volume on your lips?
  • Could you benefit from higher cheekbones?
  • Would you like to learn about non-surgical options to look more attractive at any age?

Click on the Non-Surgical Options button and visit our page to see how we can help you achieve your goals!

Non-Surgical Options